Coffee Facts Every Coffee Lover Needs To Know

Starting a day without sipping coffee is unimaginable for most of us. If you are the same, you probably head to a local coffee shop before the commute when you don’t get time to prepare your morning cuppa at home; after all, coffee gives us the needed boost to start the day. 

It’s also likely you buy natural coffee powder to ensure your morning cup always tastes the best, the way you desire. But how much do you know about your favorite beverage? Here we have put together a few facts that amaze you. 

Coffee v/s energy drink: which is more caffeinated?

How many times have you heard your fitness instructor say energy drinks are over-caffeinated and you should avoid them? Too often, probably! But it might be a surprise; coffee beans have higher caffeine concentrations than energy drinks. However, it doesn’t mean you must switch to energy drinks as they are still high in sugar.

Your morning cup of joe doesn’t wake you up

You feel tired and sleepy until you make yourself a cup of coffee. Do you know it’s not the coffee that wakes you up but its aroma? Drinking coffee isn’t necessary, as smelling the beans is enough to say goodbye to sleep. What’s more interesting is that sipping coffee first thing in the morning is not the best for your body. An ideal time is between nine to eleven, which doesn’t let your hormone production cycles get messed up. 

Decaf doesn’t mean coffee is caffeine-free

If you have been a believer that decaf is caffeine-free, you are not alone. It’s merely a misconception, but the trust is that a single serving of decaf contains up to ten milligrams of caffeine. Though you can neglect the amount, you will not fall for the myth now! 

Caffeine can increase the effect of some medications

Coffee contains caffeine which increases the effect of some medications, particularly paracetamol and aspirin. That said, adding milk to the coffee weakens the caffeine’s effect. Since milk adds fat content, our body absorbs coffee slowly, decreasing the stimulants. You can, however, purchase espresso coffee powder and try espresso shots that contain one-third of caffeine content than brewed coffee. 

When you want to enjoy your favorite beverage daily, it’s best to buy natural coffee powder only from a professional coffee roaster and distributor. 

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